Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Is America Ready for Barack Obama to be president?

Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:129 UpdateTime:2008-10-19 1:33:20

On June 3rd, 2008 Illinois Senator Barack Obama claimed the Democratic presidential nominee, and with this honor Obama become the first black candidate ever nominated by a major political party for the nation's highest office. While breaking this barrier, the question must be asked, is America ready for Obama? Besides the change in policies that Obama represents, his nomination will bring a change in America racially. Is America ready for a black president? Is it conceivable to think that a place where blacks were once enslaved could rise above racial disrimination and elect a black man for president?

Will white Americans and even some black Americans really vote for a black man to hold the nations highest position? Or, will he fall victim to the the politically correct population? The people who will smile in your face and say that they will/would vote for a black man because they don't want to be viewed as a racist (or feel that is the right thing to say especially if you are black) but behind close doors know that they will not vote for Obama? The polls are saying that older whites, and non-college educated whites will not vote for Obama; and that Obama's supporters are comprised of black Americans and young white college educated Americans who probably won't go out and actually cast a vote.

There are some older white blue collar democrats that supported and voted for Hillary Clinton who have stated they are staunch democrats, always vote for a Democrat but would never vote for Obama. I am specifically pointing out this group of people due to all the coverage this demographic received while the West Virginia primaries occurred.

There probably are white collar black and white voters who also feel this way but I am just going to point out what was shown on EVERY single news outlet during the voting. Many white Hillary supporters stated they are willing to sacrifice their political beliefs because they can't bear the thought of having a black man as president regardless if they agree with his views or not. Some even said they didn't think Obama was an American and that he was a Muslim. Now I know the media didn't show everyone they interviewed, like the people who said they would consider Obama and not make a quick judgment and not vote for him, but as usual the media likes to stir things up by showing footage that would get a rise out of their viewers and get under people's skin. That's what they do. You have to be smart enough to decipher what is fact and what is fiction. Just because it's on the news doesn't mean it true.

Just like with the polls. One minute Obama is blowing McCain out of the water then a few hours later or a channel change they are saying they are neck and neck, or McCain is ahead. The media is saying to you if you don't like these numbers you better make sure you get out and vote if you want your candidate to win. Don't feel comfortable if your candidate is ahead in these polls, the numbers we are hearing now don't matter, what matters is the final number on election day. So regardless of who you like you must get out and vote because EVERY vote DOES count!

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